WHAT HAPPENED IN MONTANA IN 1899JANUARY.1-Democrats nominate H. C. Stiff forspeaker of the house.--"Scotty"Murray stabbed at Butte by JamesJ. Neary.-New county officialstake charge.2--Sixth legislative assembly organizes.--Testimonial benefit in honorof John Maguire given at Butte.8-Governor Smith submits message tothe legislature.-Theodore Brantlysworn in as chief justice.-At ButteEdward Knight is run over andkilled.4-Senate committees appointed.-AtButte "Scotty" Murray dies fromthe effects of knife wounds.5-Speaker Stiff announces house committees.-News of the lynching ofJack Jolly at Eagle City rea'hesBut'e.--Students of Wesleyan university atHelena have narrow escape fromdeath by fire.8-Body of, a murdered unidentifiedman found in a gully near Rocker.9--Legislature appoints a joint cornmittee to investigate charges ofbribery in connection with the senatorial election.-Jerry Shinnickdies at Butte.-Great Northern stat!on at Kalispell destroyed by fire.-Dougald Cameron dies at Cameron's Ferry.10-Partial report of the bribery investigating committee submitted, tcgether with $30,000, alleged to havebeen paid to members by W. A.Clark's agents.-Fred Whiteside,makes a remarkable spoech in denunciatidn of bribery and corrup'tion.-First ballot taken in the senatorial contest.--Robert Nelsonkills Harry Bell near Miles City.-Joseph C. Hurst arrested at Glendive for the murder of Sheriff Dom,inick Cavanaugh.-Death of Senator Alexander Metzel of Madisoncounty.-Notorious Pete Hansondies at Butte.-Jaclk Conlin, at GreatFalls, convicted of manslaughter.Death of N. A. Conkey at Missoula.11--Grand jury called in Lewis andClarke county to investigate bribery charges.-AlbertJames Lee commits suicide at Butte.-Union menpass through Butte smelters andcarry away non-union employes inan effort to induce them to Join theunions.unions.12-Masons purchase a site for a ternpie at Missoula.--Sveral dramazicspeeches in the joint session.13-Jacob Litt seeks to lease theatersin Montana.-James Monday andThomas Campbell are forced todrink themselves to death at Shelby Junction.14-Grand jury swqrn in at Helena.Jim Santi murders Robert -Iamilton at Anaconda.-Station and postoffice at Warm Springs held 'to.Montana engineers meet at h.olena.12-Conductor Grant killed to a railroad smash-up at Souoh I> u;'.16-Supreme court authorizes AttnlreyGeneral Nolan to sunerv'ee br:.ery investigation by grand july.Frank Ruzee killed at Helena oyfalling rock.-Immense propoaitionto divert waters of tiossoula riverfor irrigation purposes.17-Whiteside-Geiger state senatorialcontest causes excitenunt in thesenate.-Governor submits estithates for year's expendtures.Grand jury called in Jeffersoncounty.-Funeral of William RMul.vey at Boulder.-At AnacondaCharles Sheppard' o trial for themurder of John Benson at DeerLodge.-Death of Mrs. Stephens atAnaconda.-T. F. Rngan dies suddenly at Butte.-Overland hotel, alandmark at Fort Benton, torndown.18-Initiative and referendum and assignment bills introduced.-Jointmemorial to congress reported asking that Indians be kept on reservations.-At Livingston WilliamHaversack acquitted of the murderof John Mahar.-Ploneer John B.Traxler dies at Sun River.19-Governor Smith denounces bribery.-Rainmaker spp ars at Dozeman.-Death of Clark Tingley at GreatFalls, and that of Joseph La Francat Dupuyer.O--Sensational speeches in the jointsession.-Assignment bill reportedback adversely.-Bounty bill introduced.-Assessors' convention meetsat Helena.-i--Joint memorial regarding openingof Flathead reservation.-Woman'ssuffrage bill introduced in the house.Municipal service bill passes thesenate.-Sunday rest bill introduced.-Text of the proposed ballot reform law.-At Anaconda CharlesSheppard convicted of second degree murder..3-Whiteside-Gelger contest comes upin the senate; one precinct missing.-Death of "Frenchy the Bootblack," at Butte.--Grand Centralhotel at Missoula burned.24-Representative Lindsay delivers apowerful speech.-Salton Camerondies at Deer Lodge.-MurdererSheppard sentenced to life imprisonment.-At Butte Nettle Wilsonon trial for the murder of JacobBarrett.-Annual convention ofMethodists at Butte.35-At Livingston Mike Rolla foundguilty of first degree murder.-BenJamin Soldatl commits suicide atElk Park.-John B. McClure cutshis throat at Lincoln valley.-Deathof Mrs. Caroline Rowe at Anaconda.-Nettie Wilson acquitted.$6--Bribery grand jury fails to find anindlctment.-Whiteslde unseated infavor of Geiger.-Whiteside deliversanother sensational spee.h.-Deathof Hiram Rawson at Bannack -Death of Thomas B. Hussey atButte.27-Thomas Salmo hanger at RedLodge.28-Eleven republicans switch to Clarkand he receives a majority of theballots.-At Big Timber Representative Beasley hanged in efflgy.Elisa Heiu dies at Anaconda, aged101 years.30-Boasley brings libel suit againstBig Ti.nber citizens.-Dead bhdv ofCharles A. Bracken found in a cabinnear Divide.--Elerric light plant atIHamilton burned.31-Severe storms in Western Montana.--William Pasoe killed in the Stevens mine; Neil Tobin killed in theSt Lawrence, Butte.FEBRUARY.1-Blizzard in Montana continues.Butte visited by di:astrous fire2-Fellow-servant bill killed in thesenate; additional testimone; tak,.nby the bribery investigating cornmittee.-Coal miners' strike at Aldridge ordered.3-Bill introduced f-,r the ereation ofPowell orrnty.-Memorial for oplnieg I.-ck reservation.-Ttrrln7 Iland bill rof-rred 1o cou ni-.i .n. -1-tien Curin disappears. Butte.5--Death of MIrr. French a: GreatFails.6--Ilra Harris killed in railroad accident at tUtte.7--T\ alter TudOvine killed by a blastat \Whit, hall.-Announcrement nmaleof the passage by co;gress-":-f ttheButte public buiiding biii.--lea'hof Mrs. loseth Weagnrer at Fl.ore.ce--Rosebud county bill reportad adversely.--Senate committee hearsarguments on Powell county bill.Murderer Rolls at Livingston sentenced to life imprlsonment.--IRooert Hancock drops dead at Helena.--Mitchell McMullan commuitp suicide at Deer Lo1ge.--Chlui celebrate New Year's.9.-Gambling bill arouses much diediscussion.-Senate steering comtee appointed.-Carbon ciuslty'scourt house destroyed by fire.10-Coal famine at Bozeman.--WilliamC. Brooks sentenced to death atBillings.-New city officIals installed at Virginia City.-Guard CharlesMcCollom shoots and kills Convict Young at the penitentiary.-Heavy loss to stock in NorthernMontana.-Thomas Tredea killed ina Barker mine.-Blizzard resumesbusiness.11-List of Montana killed and woundedin the Philippines receiv'd.--J. E.Finnegan killed in a collision inButte railroad yards.-Mrs. SamuelRundle frozen to death at Meaderville.-Arthur Johns dies from injuries received in the Rarus mine.-Lew!s and Clarke county grandjury returns eight indictments.-Smoke is bad In Butte.12-Cattle suffer from storm in Easternm Montana.13-Woman suffrage bill killed in thehouse.-Tribute to Montana soldiers.-Highbinders appear at Butte.-Big skating tournament at Butte.-Death of Mrs. Michael McLear atGreat Falls.14-Redu-tlion of salary bill indefinitelyrostponed.-Henry Dahlman murdered at Boulder by Frank Carson-Fallurs of Fred Gamer.-St. Valentine's day is observed.-Secondtrial of Joe Shafer for murder begins at Butte.-Storm broken by achinook.15-Disposltlon of boodle fund causeswarm debate.-Lenten season begins.16-Conway wins the skating tournament.17-Bill creating state engineer passeshouse.-Powell county fight growswarm.18-State university dedicated.-Nathaniel C. Power killed at Emery.Shafer convicted of murder in thefirst degree.--Poisoned candy mystery in Butte.19-Mysterious robbery of Mr. and Mrs.Bartlett iat Butte.20-Decomposed body of a man foundat Central Park.-Beasley libel suitcomes up on demurrer at Big Timber.-John Weigenstein killed in nButte mine.-Damage by flood inNorthern Montana.22-Powell county bill killed in thehouse.-Inquest into the death ofEdward Cartier at Butte.-A newsmoke messiah.-Death of DanielMurt r at sou.22-Washington's birthday observed.David McCormick found dead atButte.-Firebug at work in Butte.Coal miners' strike at Hoer settled.-John Ferguson dies at the Sold!ers' home.23-Lieutenant Eugene French of Helena killed in the war.-Ballot reform bill passes the senate.-Reassuring reports received from rattie ranges.-Frank Skoflane on trialfor murder at Butte.-Homer C.Smithley killed in the High Ore atButte.-Annual meeting of the Horticultural society at Hamilton.24-Skoflane liberated.-Destructive fireat Belt.25--Henry Morrison commits suicide atHelena.-Fred Smith killed at Sheridan.-Sheep killed at Utica by poisoned hay.26-Death of W. Rosenfield at Anaconda, and Mrs. J. H. Mills at SanJose, Cal.-Homestake woodhaulerfinds gold in a well.-Mrs. RobertLee of Billings killed in a snowstorm.-Funeral of Beth Woody atMissoula.27-Trial of J. C. Hurst for murder begins at Glendive.-Mountain ViewM. E. congregation of Butte decide to build new church.-Municipal political meeting called.-Federal grand jury called at Butte.28-Legislature passes house bills 124and 132 over g vernor's veto.-Boxing bill passes the house.MARCH.1-Ballot reform bill indefinitely postponed.-Boxing bill passes senate.Governor Smith recommends pardon for Harry Brett.-Butte council declares its intention to pave.Otto Anderson killed near Elkh ':n.-Subscriptions to soldiers' .fundcoming in.-Death of Mrs. AlfredB. Hamilton at Great Falls.2-Legislature adjourns.-Importantcoal vein struck in the Bynummine.-Death of Mrs. Reed at Livingston.-Death of G. Lapointe atAnaconda.-Incendiaries attempt toburn Goldberg block at Butte.-Associated Charities incorporated.Death of Dora Lehson at Mi-.coula.3-Butte guarantees $25,000 for Fltzsimmons-Jeffrles fight.-Butte welcomes returning legislators.4-Body of P. J. O'Sullivan found nearVirginia City.-Fred Smith killedat Junction.--Robert Einmet'smemory commemorated at Anaconda.5-Elijah Eads found dead near Elliston.-Butte has another murdermystery.-August Nelson killednear Woodville.6-Governor Smith vetoes gamblingbill.-N. W. Shafer :alled at PricklyPear Junction. - RepresentativeRobert Flinn dies suddenly at Cascade.7-Box:ng bill vetoed by the governor.-Austin Bidwell dies in Butte.-H.HI. Hammon I commits isuicide atHelena.8-Road supervisor law declared unconstitutional by the attorney general.-At Helena, Horticultural society appoints inspectors.9-Gambling stopped at Helena.Death of Mrs. Ella Campbell atAnaconda.-Spring politics begin towarm up.-Death of Mrs. Pope Catlin at Missoula.10--Governor Smith vetoes the osteopathy bill.-Death of Hazel Keithat Helena.--M. K. Diamond dies atButte.-Agitation unfavorable topaving develops in Butte.-Death ofMrs. Ellen Gss at Augusta.11-Pardon for John Currlngton disapproved by the board.-Democraticprimari.. at Butte.--Montana Society of Engineers meets at Butte.12-Death oft R. I. .Maxwell at DeerLodge.--New public library for Billings.14-Address to the people in connertlionwith the lteagh-r n-onument.Sheep loss in N. rthern Montana isheavy.-Destructive fire at GreatFalls.15--P-i.rmccrats nominate muntiipal candilates in Butteo-Alex Vannett dirapperars from Gr: at Falls.--Deathof Mrs. Isaac Palin at Miss .Ila.T--D)edication of A. O. H. hall at Anaconda.-St. Patrick's day ce:etrations. -E. L. Norton kills h!il:slf atlHutte.-Republlcan city conve ntionat Great Falls.-G. S. McSorleydies at Poulder.IS--Democratic primaries at Anaronda.-Death of Father J. A. Werdein atFort Benton, and of Mrs. Cather.neO'I.eary at Annaeoda.--SilveOr republican, republican and populistcity conventions at Butte.19-Death of John Huntsberger atBlackfoot.-A: Big Timber, FrankHarrison drops dead.20-Democrats at Livingston select candidates.-Montana Union machineshops at Anaconda destroyed byfire.-Democratic city convention atAnaconda.-Rump convention atButte.21-Gebo coal mines started up.-Joseph C. Hurst found guilty of firstdegree murder at Glendive.-Democratic primaries at Great Falls.William Collier at Choteau perishesin the stortm.22-At Glendtve, Joseph Hurst sentenced to death.23-Republican city convention at Livingston.-Republicans at Anacondanominate no candidates.-Democratic and populist conventione atGreat Falls.-Deatlh of Mrs. HarrietWood at Great Falls.24-Miners' strike inaugurated at Belt.-William. Turpin killed at Butte bya street car.25--Opening of the Leighton. at MilesClty.-Republican primaries at Missoula.-Citizens' ticket pominatedat Walkerville.-Capt. Thomas P.Fuller dies at Blarkfoot reservation.28--Death of George Bidwell at Butte.-Publicatlon of list of casualties inthe Philippines.-Willlam Calderfound guilty of first degree murderat Lewistown.'27-Republican convention in Bozeman.-Death of W. M. Morgan and Mrs.J. P. Barnes at Great Falls.28-Andrew Johnson killed at Butte.Democratic city convention at Missouls.29-Smallpox at Glasgow.-Republican.convention at Missoula.30-Stone selected for capitol building.-At Butte W. C. Tucker killed bya fall of rock.-Suicide of Frederick Houck at Great Falls.31-Death of Mrs. H. W. Martin atSunset.-Frank Swltzer dies atButte.APRIL1-J. E. Fisher convicted of murder inthe first degree at Lewistown --Coroner inquires into the de4th ofJames McGuire at Butte.-Schooltrustees elected at Butte.-At Missdula, Thomas Dobley dies of injuries received on the railroad.-AtGreat Falls populists withd.aw theirticket.2-Polities red hot.-Easter Sundayobserved.-Military funeral of Edmund Johns at Missoula.3-Election day at Miles city,-RobertNelson sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for murder.-CharlesBuckley killed by Charles Simonsat Birch creek.4-A $40,000 fire at the Butte GeneralElectric company's plant.5-At Anaconda, Thomas M. Murraydies from injuries received previously.-G. A. R. and W. R. C. annual encampment at Butte.6-Fred Byers pardoned.7-Nels Isaacson killed at Canyon Ferry.-George Cassebohm drops deadin the street at Butte.-Floods begin.S-Four people swept away and drowned near Glendive.-Death of IsraelOswald at Virginia City.-After longlitigation, Receiver T. R. Hinds isplaced in possession of B. & M.property.-Validity of election atWalkervillle not recoknized by oldcouncil.9-Eight more persons lose their livesin Yellowstone floods.10-Miles City submerged.11-Funerals of Yellowstone flood vietims.-Death of B. F. -Ioopes atBoulder.13-Recelver Hinds ousted.14-At Big Timber, an answer is filedin the Beasley libel suit.-Annualmeting, at Helena, of the stock commissloners.-Dan Lucey, slayer ofPatrick Regan, captured at Victor,Colo.-Death of Frank Bruce atGreat Falls.15-Death of J. R. Brown at Anaconda.16-Funeral of Lieutenant French atHelena.-Milk river overflows itsbanks, with great damage.17-Famous Larkin hearing begins atButte.18--Montana Stock association meets atMiles City.-Death of Thomas Foleyat Missoula.19-Plumbers strike at Butte.--OscarJ. McCoy killed in the Diamond atButte.20-State convention of the Maccabeesat Butte.22-Three miners blown up in an exp.osion at Emery.-Death of Mrs. Finlayson at Anaconda.-Sons of St.George celebrate at Butte.23-Beginning of the Paullst mission atButte.24-R. H. Thomas killed in the Leonardshaft at Butte.25-Frank Carson found guilty .f se-ond degree murder at Bouller..6-At Helmville, W. R.. Conn shoctsand kills W. B. Woolford.-Odd Fellows celebrate 80th anniversary atAnaconda and lay earner stone ofnew temple.29-Fred Whiteslde brings suit againstW. A. Clark anti the Miner Publishing company for libel.-Robe:t PBer.nets killed in the Leonard shlat.30-At Boulder, Frank Carson sentenced to 99 years' imprisonmentfor murder.-Lathrop Dunn Walla ekilled in a baseball game at ButteMAY.1-Charles Klalber killed at TwinBridges.-City governments change.-Opposition refuses to confirmMayor McCarthy's nominations atButte.3-Death of Louis Freudenstein atButte.-At Butte Johnnie Oates diesfrom an accidental shooting.4-Mysterious disappearance, in NewYork, of Joseph Trimborn of GreatFa:ls.5-Dlsbarment proceedings againstJohn B. Wellcome begun before thesupreme court.-Kid Oglesby andMike Leonard fight a 20-round drawat Helena.6--John F. Combellack killed in theOriginal mine at Butte.7-Weather observatory established atKalispell.-Death of Barney McGinley at Anaconda.8-Sensational exposure of traffic ingirls at Butte.-At Butte tradesunions make demand for reductionin hours.9-Arbor day observed.-Buildingstrike ordered at Butte.-Death ofMichael Day at Great Falls.-Developments in the murder of ClausNichols by John Bierks in Choteaucounty.10--Proposition for paving at GreatFalls.-United States mail wagonheld up at Butte,-Graduating exercises begin at Butte.-Smeltermanagers submit reports on smokenuisance.1--Body of George Mattox found inYellowstone river.-At Butte, eloquent speakers make addresses onpeace conftrence.12--At Kalispell Fr&e Whiteside bringssuit against the Helena Independentfr llbei.-Inquest at Lewistownshows that John 'Wills was killedby Odilon Ouvellette.13-Baseball season in Montana opens.14-Accidental killing, near Stanford, ofHIugh W. Hutchincon.15--Governor mith puts a stop to thearrest of Cluer d'Alene miners inMontana.-*oeath of Mrs. W. A.Reel at Pony.--Trial of Jim Santifor murdet begins at Anaconda.Death of T. B. Hughes at Anaconda.-Walkerville protests againstbuilding of proposed reservoir.-W.G. Cole commits suicide at Butte.Corpse of an unknown man foundin Missouri river at Great Falls.Agitation for "paving at Missouls.16-Work at Belt mines resumes.17-Mines at Bear gulch started upafter a few days' shut-down.-Alleged dynamiters arrested.-Destructive fire at Twin Bridges.-JlmSanti convicted of second-degreemurder at Anaconda.-State Sundayschool convention meets at Anaoonda.-Obstruction methods continueIn Butte city council.-Two-storybuilding collapses at Butte.-Annualmeeting of Montana medical association at Butte.-James W. Hineskilled near Arlee.18-Graduating exercises at Bozeman.Edward Pollard killed in the Anaconda at Butte.-Death of Mrs. A.H. Robinson at Great Falls.19-T. M. Dunn killed at Libby.-J. J.Neary found gu ty of manslaughter at Butte.20-On second trial at Bozeman Sloanis acquitted of murder.-Deadlockin Butte council broken and allnominations confirmed.21-Dewey' home fund started by theStandard.-Cheyenne Indians arebecoming restless.23-Missoula tenders a banquet toTroop F.24-Japanese murders another at D11lon.-Death of Mrs. J. J. McAllisterat Missoula.-Queen Victoria'sbirthday celebrated at Butte.Smallpox at Missoula.25-Death of Edward Shields at Butte.C. D. Jackman commits suicide atButte. -26-Murderer Shadwell granted a newtrial by the supreme court.-ButteWater company goes into hands ofa receiver.27-Smelter managers granted moretime by Judge Lindsay in which tosolve the smoke problem.28-Announcement of the 4eath ofCaptain George Tilly in th& Philippines.-Angus McLeod and AntonPasenda killed in the Diamond mineat Butte.29-Dan Bagley jumps from a train atDeer Lodge and is killed.-LeopoldSweitzer drowned at PipestoneSprings.-Interest increases inButte's public building slte.-Deathof Mrs. Mattie E. Todd at FortBenton.30-Memorial day; fitting ceremonies atCuster's battlefield and elsewhere.Agent Clifford of Cheyenne reservation asks for more troops.-H. D.McLeod dies in Butte from injuriessustained in a railroad accident.Paving discussed by Great Fallscouncil.-B. Burgdorff killed atFloweree.31-Graduating exercises at Wesleyanuniversity.-Invest'gation begins atBillings into the conduct of IndianAgent Becker.-Thomas Clynch killed at Missoula.JUNE.1-Funeral of Gilbert Barrette at DeerLodge.-Government commission selects site for public building atButte.-Unknown man killed in adisastrous railroad wreck nearPerma.-lUniversity commencementexercises.2-Napoleon Laponte murdered near.Winston.-Graduating exercises atDeer Lodge.3-C. R. Dwyer kills himself at Billings.-Death of Mrs. M. DeKay atTwin Bridges.,-eath of EdwardHorrigan at Butts.4-William Pepo found guilty of murder in the first degree in Tetoncouinty.5-Guy Steffy dragged to death atGreat Falls.6-Fire destroys Western Iron worksat Butte.-Faculty of the State university re-elected.7-Boy accidentally killed near Bil..lings.--Graduating exercises at Anacondaand Great Falls.--Frank E. Parker killed in the Colusa mine at Butte.--John Fogartydrops dead at Butte.-H. C. Relfdrowned near Plains.11-Byron McCalmut killed at Helona.12-Western Montana streams are raging torrents; much anxiety felt.13-Miners' union day.-Yellowstone onthe rampage.-Joseph Grady diessuddenly at Butte.14-Commencement exercises at theAgricultural college.-"Deadly parallel" on Father MacCorry's lectureat Butte.-Death of Reuben Terrillat Race Track.-Marriage of ArthurP. Helnze and Miss Ruth M. Noyesat Butte.-Wilbur F. Boyce commits suicide at Butte.-Mary Wagner and Jennie Harrison drowned inSt. Mary's river.-Death of CharlesGahres at Great Falls.15-State convention of the Y. P. S. C.E. held at Great Falls.-Commn'olement day at the College of Montana.16-Henry Lemmon found dead in hisbed at Livingston.18-Montana officers searching for Union Pacific train robbers.-Openingof the wool season.19-Leroy Mercer killed at Bozeman.Episcopal convention )pens a5 -:e_ena. Telegram recived at Missoulaannouncing the death of Mrs. T. C.Marshall.-M. Comeford killed in theMountain Con at Butte.-Death ofAlex DeLong at Missoula.20-Serious fire near Boulder.-Suspected Union Pacific train robbers raptured near Dillon.-Death of DimpleBlackiston at Butte.-Captain Joseph Buzzo dies at Butte.--Severeelectrical storms at Great Falls.21-Much damge results from swollenstreams.-Suicide of Andrew Cowanat Hillsdale.-Murder of John Curryby John Hesley at Butte.22-Carpenter Butler drowned near Helena.--August Long killed in a runaway at Great Falle--Missou'!council declares Its intention to improve Hitggins avenue.23-Mrs. John W'nnt dies at Iron Rod.-Walktrvil'e d-cides to pave.-JohnV. Collins killed in a runaway atButte.24-W. H. Sullivan and W. Lawrencedrowned near Big Timbnr.-Dillnncaptives prove to be TTnin Pacificrobbers.-News of the death at Manila of Major James W. Drenran.St. John's day celebrated at GrassValley26--Evary Montana city busy with preparation for Foutth of July celcbratlons.-Edwin Fletcher d!es at Barker from poilonlng.26-Edwin Butcher of Helena appointedto West Point.-Lucey murder trialbegins at Butts.27--Circus strikes Montana.28--Ft. Paul's Fme'rgency hospitalopened at Butio29-Price of wool :tcs up.-Prellminarysteps for welcoming Montana soldiers home.30-DisappearanOe of Andrew Nelsonfrom Stevensville causes much uneasiness.JULY.1-Dan Lucey convicted of the murder of Patrick L. Reagan, at Butte.-Parrot smelter at Butte closes.Sensatiohal charges in the Callahandivorce cace.2-Claud Hicks killed at Bozeman.Four-year-old boy drowned nearTwin Bridges.-Feast of SS. Peterand Paul observed in Anaconda.Death of John H. Hartz at Ansconda.8-Racing meet opens at Au Clairepark, Butte.-Epidemic of smallpoxin western Montana.-Wool marketopens at Great Falls.-Death ofAlex Marr at Missoula.4-Fourth of July.-Everybody celebrates.-Laying of the corner stoneof the state capitol building at Helena.-W. F. Rhoda, a tourist, killednear Bozeman by discharge of -trapgun set for thieves.-Openingof Mountain View park at Anaconda, and picnics everywhere.Hall Adali bests Charles Moth ina wrestling match at Butte.-W. R.Bell killed near Missoula.5-Yellowstone county officers enterstrong protest against the pardoning of Edward Kelly at Livingston.-George Davidson falls from hissulky and is killed.-Death of Curtis Knowles at Missoula.--Plans approved for associated char.itles building.7-Silver Bow Liquor Dealers' association organized.-John Shobergdrowned near Neihart.-Terrible explosion of gasoline at Butte, inwhich Robert Longstaff is burnedto, death and others inrjured.-Governor Smith recommends pardonfor Stephen Mattler, convicted ofmurder.-Beaeley makes depositionin his libel suit.-At Livingston,Henry Rockinger is charged withthe murder of Mark Terrell.8-John P. Bardorff drowned nearChinook.-Death of Mrs. StellaBradley at Great Falls.-JamesWilson killed by lightning nearVerona.-Low prices for wool prep vail at Great Falls.-Captain M. M.Wheeler dies of apoplexy at MilesCity.-Special election for free highschool carries at Billings.9-Danger from floods in westernMontana is past.-Forest fires breakout near Anaconda and spread overhundreds of acres.10-At Hamilton, N.els Peterson confesses to the murder of Andrew..elson.-Funeral of Mrs. J. H.Mills at Deer Lodge.-August Bodin commits suicide at Helena.11-Lieutenant Colonel Wallace of theFirst Montana appointed colonel ofThirty-seventh U. S. V. regiment.County high school proposition carries in Gallatin county,12-Immense log jam at Bonner.-Woolprices go up at Great Falls.-Newsreaches Butte of the drowning ofMary Kemper at Nantacket.-Byron H. Cook appointed lieutenantcolonel.-Supreme court decidesthat J. B. Wellcome must meet thecharges brought against him.13-At Livingston, Bob Stevens surrenders himself for the killing of BillSmith.-Samuel Trathen died suddenly at Anaconda.-Supreme courtrefuses to interfere in the Brooksmurder case.-Dan Tobey killed bya street car at Helena.14--. L. Richards drowned at GoldCoin.Coin.15-Affidavits filed in the supremecourt in support of the chargesagainst J. B. Wellcome.17-Water spout at Twin Bridges doesgreat damage.-Bishop Tuttle. visits Butte.-Fishing and campingseason fairly opens.18-Death of H. B. Albee at Missoula.-Owen Tracey killed near Sacre'sranch.-Second attempt made by incendiaries to burn the Weyerhorstblock at Butte.-Butte board of educ.ztion lets contract for Aluminumstreet school.-Recruiting officeopened at Butte.-Forest fires westof Anaconda break out afresh.State board of equalization fixesvaluation of land and stock.-Holland H. Bryant commits suicidenear Livingston.19-Matthew Huhtamaa killed in theLeonard mine at Butte.-Buttecouncil awards dontract for a newfire station.-Forest fires near AnaConda are under control.-F unealof James Johnson at Anaconda,.At Helena, Josegh ,Allen sentencedto be hanged fos,.the hurder of J.S. Reynolds. '"20-Fifty thousand-dollar libel suitinstituted against the LewistownDemocrat by E. A. Wasson.-Stateboard grants petition for the pardon of Edward Kelly.21-Kendall's sawmill near Florence destroyed by fire.-M. J. Storholtdragged to death by a borse atLewistown.-Larkin case, after fourmonths, is ended so far as takingof 'testimony. is concerned.-Stateboard of dental examiners meets atButte.-Coston Bullock killed bylightning at Basin.22-Laying of the corner stone of theMountain View M. 'E. church atButte.23-Percy Decker found dead nearGreat Falls.-Professor J. L. Carlisle found dead in Missoula gulch,Butte.24-Park agitation stirs up Great Falls.-William Thomas killed in the WestColusa mine at Butte.-Boardgrants pardon to Stephen Mattler.-Ex-Governor Rickards appointedcensus supervisor for ,Montana.25-Ice trust formed in Blutte.--redBeard drowned at Frenchtown.2.-John Maguire robbed in Butte.John F. Smith, a blind man, founddead at Butte.-Organlza'ton of thefamous "No Moustache" club atAnaconda.27-Corner stone of the new MethodistEpiscopal church, South, laid atButte.-Tennis tournament 'at Helena.28-Death of Otto Nlberq of Missoula.Thomas Holman killed in the Rarusmine at Butte by electrical shock.Dynamite fiend attempts to blowup the family of A. J. Godske atButte.29-C. H. Toliver invents a flying machine, Great Falls.-Joseph Grill, atButte, comes in contact with a livenwire and is instantly killed.-Dam'age by cloudburst at Butte.-Stateboard of equalization fixes railroadassessment.30--Lewis Steyart drowned in the Missouri near Great Falls.-Bob Finleykilled at Havre by a misaimed bullet.-Lightning strikes an ice houseat Anaconda.31-Wool market at Great' Falls closes.-Recruiting station opened ata mcndA.AWl UCT.1-Semords, A. Rodlln run over andkilled at Butte.--Death of Mrs.Daniel O'Grady at Butte.-Strike ofmessenger boys In Butte.2-Death of Mrs. Seralda Simpson atMissoula.-Edward McMahon founddead in bed at Anaconda.4-Kissing bug appears in Butte.S-Smallpox at Great Falls-ArlonSinging society visits Montana.7-Louis Benton dies at Missoula.Severe electrical storms prevail atGreat Falls.-Ella Knoor and DaisyGerry, two half breed girls. killedby lightning near Wolf Point.8-Engineer John Beebe killed nearFlorence.-State Pharmaceutical society meets at Butte.-Death ofJohn McCauley at Boulder.-Cloudbursts at Butte and Anaconda result in much damage.-Unknownman drowned near Philipsburg.Kissing bug at Livingston.-Suicideof Mrs. Martin Tetmover at Trailcreek.-Thirteenth annual conference of the Methodist Episcopalchurch at Livingston.10-W-lliam Davis drops dead in Butte.-Charles Flint dies in Butte jail.George Tridfe crushed to death atBasin.11-Eugene Culllinane murdered atAmerican gulch.-Answer filed inthe Wellcome disharment case.12-San Jose scale and codl'n moth discovered In fruit.-Kate Bush throwsvitriol into the face of Mrs. HIogarthat Butte.-White Cap outrages inChoteau county.13-Crow treaty concluded at Billings.14-Death of Mrs. Frank Ives at Missoula.-Death of Mrs. Robert Bennetts at Butte.-Surveying boundary line between Montana andIdaho.-Subreme court fixes datefor Wellcome hearing.-Electriclight plant at Glendlve burned.Depot at Big Timber destroyed byfire.15-James Laville dies at Great Falls.John A. Kennedy killed in theMountain Chief mine at Butte.Charles Cox found dead in bed atGarnet.-Cullinane murderers captured near Bozeman.16-Edward McGuire killed by a horseat Whitehall.-Famous Pennsylvania mining case takes a goodstart at Butte.--"Dixey" Smithkilled near Helena.17-Death of Ffank Berry at Florence.18-Death of Mrs. Hattie Huntabergerat Great Falls.-One.,an killed andthree others lnJure t-a powder exploulon near Anaole a.-neendlarles set fire to the foundry plant ofthe A. C. M. Co. at Atiacorlda. resuiting in a $30.000 loss.19-Patsy Dwyer shoots and kills Robert Thornton at' Gilt Edge.-Deathof William D. Gallwe-'at Butte.Disastrous fire at peer Lodge."American Boy" proposition stirs upchool people.20-News received of the death of Mrs.Tuttle at St. Louis,-Miners' unionpi-nic at Anaconda.-Montana'speople hi!p suffering Porto Ricans.21-Northwestern , funeral direltersmeet at Mlssoula.-Sons of St.George meet at Great Falls.-Patrick Fox killed in the Bell mine atButte.-Stonecutters employed onstate capitol walk out.-MathiasEnsch dies at Helena.-Red Rockand Salmon City stage held up androbbed.22--Work begins ,on Ranchero parktrack at Butte.-A. O. U. W. in annual session at Butte.2--Fatal quarrel on Flathead reservation about cattle.-Simon T. Morsekilled in placer pit in Missoulagulch, Butte.-Sudden death of Dr.J. M. Mackie at Anaconda.-Stateboard decides on valuation of cattleand sheep.24--John Maguire decides to start amagazlne.-Degree of Honor in annual session at Butte.-Butte determines to bring Montana soldiershome by special train.-Specialschool tax levy proposition defeatedat Anaconda.-S. B. Roberts shootsand kills Nate Young at ReedPoint.-Editor B. F. Hoover of theLivingston Enterprise accidentallykills himself.-Serious accidentalshooting at Gardiner.25-Rich lead of ore found in excavation for Thornton block at Butte.Joseph Weiller killed in the Parnellmine at Butte.-Grand lodge of Sonsof Hermann meets at Anaconda.Annual conference at Boulder of theM. E. church, South.26--Miss Austin Betters killed in a runaway accident near Missoula.-Elks'picnic at Deer Lodge.27-Infected fruit agitaticn at itsheight.-News received of the murder in Mexico of Thomas D. Marrid.28-Cyclone in Western Montana.Laundry employes at Great Fallsstrike.-Anaconda makes ready towelcome her volunteers,--Old-timersgather at Virginia City.-CharlesOliver Benson confesses to the plotto murder Eugene Cullinane.-JohnFlynn killed in a mine near Bozeman.29-Picnic of Butte's poor children atMountain View park.-Stage robbers captured near Lemhi reservation. lS0-Montana Chriatian association inannual session at Butte.-Talk oflynching the murderers of EugeneCullinane at Washington gulch,-Arrest at Butte of Fred Boyd andMax Mayer for the alleged theft of$100,000 worth of bullion from theBimetallic mine.81-Alfred R. Devine dies at GreatFalls.-Louis Jongenel drowned InYellowstone park.-Race meetingbegins at Ranchero park, Butte.Death of Joseph Regner at Missoula.SEPTEM BER.1-Death of Mrs. Charles Thompson atHighwood.-Stonemasons and bricklayers' strike on capitol buildingsebtled. I I J2-Odthon Ouelette, at Lewistown, convicted of manslaughter.-Suicide ofJ. H. Shannon at Butte.3-Death of R. L. McGonigle at' FortBenton.4-Labor Day, celebrated everywhere.-Livingston people are worriedover the mysterious disappearanceof Sam Herbert at Butte.-JohnSexton dies suddenly at Butte.5-Standard 'issues its birthday number.-Annual meeting at Anacondaof the Montana Press association.Death of A. D. Christianson atButte.-Thomas Marshall founddead near Avon.-Public schoolaopen at Anaconda.-Killing of William McIntosh by Alvin DeWittnear Red Rock.-Visit of JudgeGoodwin of Salt Lake.6-Death of Judson S. Reeder atGreat Falls.-J. R. Russel appointed librarian at Butte.-First snowof the season.-Editors banquetedat the Montana.-Jack Burke commits suicide at Helena.7-Plasterers strike at Butte.8-Death of Heitry M. Myers at Hamilton.-State Firemen's associationmeets at Bozeman.-John Morrowkilled near Livingston.9-Teachers in annual session atButte.-Speci.,l school tax levy election at Anaconda.10-Frank McCiennen found dead atSalteso.11-Butte public schools open.-Deathof D. H. Starbhr4 at Gold Creek.12-Thomas Cartwright dies at Buttefrom injuries received at the B. &M. smelter.-Yellowstone county fairbegins.13-Propoeliion to hold afternoon council metings in Butte defeated.--uner:al of Mrs. Margaret Paul atButte.-Celebration of Yorn Kippur.-"Jim" Brown acquitted at Butteof the charge of using mails forobscene matter.-Seven horsesburned to death at Anaconda-Several people injured in a railroadwreck near Harlem.-Body of murdered man found near Wolf creek.14-Joseph Allen hanged at Helena.15-At Cora, Andrew Nelson killed bylightning.-Livlngston board ofhealth places a ban on kissing.I'ath tof Mrs. E. H. Irvlne atButte.-E. Mayer acquitted, atButte.-Max E. Mayer acquitted. atButte, of the charge of receivingstolen bullion.15-Buildings at the Cora mine. Butte,destroyed by fire.-Departurc of W.L. Hoge from Anaconda.17--Smallpox epidemic at Great Falls-Petrified man found on tile banksof the Mlssourl.--Chief Justicelirantly lost in the mountainb nearLibby.18-Nelson Peterson sentenced to behanged for murder at Hamllton.Prominent civil and mining engineers visit Montana.-WVar betweencattle and sheep men in the Rubyvalley.-Annual session of Masonsat Helena.-Dastardly attempt towreck a Montana Central train.19-Louis Ramelli commits suicide nearHomestake.--Annual session of thegrand 'lodge,. Knights of Pythlas,at Butte.20--William Jones defeats Jack Rowettin a wreotkng match at Butte.Death of T. H. Cliwell at Helena.Sixth annual session of state1 'desnd labor council at Helena,l--tmallpox spreads, at Great Talls.Marriage of Mayor I'cCarthy, andMiss Georgie McNeel at Butte.Electric light company submitsproposition to Butte council.Death of D. R. Noble at TwinBridges.22--Death of Mrs. William btrang atMissoula.-Christian Jenson dies onthe Clearwater trail.-Joseph K.Richards killed in the Rarus mineat Butts--Serious fire at Baseman.-Grand chapter EaStern Star Mneetsat Helena.-Zealandla arrives atSan Francisco with Montana troOps.23--Charles Hood diet suddenly atButte.-Chairman Shifelbin issues amanifesto to Montana popullsts.-'Newton Dickinson found dead nearMissoula.24-Delegates to the irrigation congressarrive at Mlssoula--Valencia arrives at San Francisco.-NotorlousPhil C.rr killed by Sheriff Pyle ofBeaverhead county.-Death of Joseph F. Dorush at Anaconda.--ggbert Freeman found dead In olscabin near Helmville.-Baseballseason in Montana closes with Helena the champlon.--Dtllon sells $75,000 'worth of bonds to establish muniolpal ownership of light andwater plants.-Eighth annual session of the National Irrigation congress begins atMissoula.-E. C. McNealis killed inthe Diamond at Butte.-Afred Millet jumps from a train at Butte andis killed.-Patrick Conley died fromwounds received in the MountainCon. at Butte.-Death of Mrs. Amelia Davis at Virginia City.26-Mrs. Joseph Demars dies at Missoula.-Death of Mrs.Susanna Jervell at Great Falls.-Mary Burgessdies at Butte from wood alcOholpoisoning.-Dan Lucey sentenced tobe hanged. John Hurley accidentally killed near Virginia City.-Raging forest fires near Big Timber.27-W. A. Clark declines to answerquestions during the taking of hisdeposition in the Miner libel suit.-Death of H. F. Lowney at Helena.-Ftrst Montana accepts Butte'sinvitation.28-Death of Mrs. L. L. Philips at Missoula.-Proposition to establish a Y.M. C. A. at Butte.-Four killed andmany injured in a wreck on theGreat Northern near Paisley.28-Presbyterian synod begins at Bose- .man.--G. M. Roe acquitted of thecharge of robbing the postofflce atWarm Springs.-Montana and Utahconnected by telephone.--MontsnaBaptist association meets- at Helena.80-Disastrous fire at Chinook.-Goldexcitement causes stampede to Idaho.-Smallpox reappears at Missoula and becomes prevalent in DeerLodge county.OOCTOBER.1-Michael Shea killed at Anacondaby falling down a stairway.-Deathof an infant at Great Falls pesthouse.-Death of Alex Cyr of Bonner.2-Smallpox appears at Butte.3-Death of Robert Fitzgerald at Missoula.-State medical examinersmeet at Helena.-Governor Smithreturns from California.-John '.Fitzgerald and Richard Tobin dieat Butte from injuries received Inthe Bell and Parrot mine.-GeorgeL. Ramsey under arrest at Helenafor refusing to produce bank booksin evidence.4-Birks found guilty of second-degree murder at Fort Benton.-Willlam D. Walcott, a smallpox patient,dies at the pest house at Butte.Strike of pupils at the Lincolnschool at Aanconda.-Flre at Kalispel1 destroys $10,000 worth of lumber,5-Death' of James Fitzgerald at Missoula.-Colonel Messler is promoted.-Stephen Young killed at Missoula.-Trial of Clinton Dotson for murder begins at 'Anaconda.,6-Remains of Colonel J. J. Donnellyfound in Missouri river near FortBenton.--J. Anderson killed nearPipestone.-Joshn Seymour'commitssuicide at Butte.-Montana soldiersat Presidio have a payday.-FredW. A. Guy commits suicide at Glendive.7-Ground broken for paving at G- t.Falls.-Mrs. Lillie Turner dies atButte from poison, self-admihlstered.-"Harvest" picnic at DeerLodge.9-Death of Joseph Stewart at TwinBridges.-George Smith killed nearWhitehall.-Proposition to erect amonument to the firemen killed inButte.9-Statute providing for special schoolelections declared inoperative andvoid by the supreme court.-Deathof Mrs. Johanna Leary at Anaconda.-Death of W. J. Hartwell atTwin Bridges.10-Butte esldes down hill.-Reception toMinnesota troops at Helena.11-George Gray killed by a fall fromhis horse.-Thirty-second session ofthe Grand lodge I. O. G. T. meetsat Anaconda.-Charles Hentotl''tllled in an explosion near Silver Star.12-At Billings the contract is awardedfor the memorial library.-At Anaconda Clinton Dotson is foundguilty of second-degree murder.UTnknown man dies in an Anaconda hotel.-Dakota troops entertained at Helena.-At LivingstonHenry E. Rockinger is found guiltyof manl.aughter.13-At Butte Charles Lavere gets thedetisionover Charles Tye.-At Anaconda Oliver Bensrn pleads guiltyto manslaughter and is sentencedto 10 years' imprisonment.-At Livingston Bolivar A. Stevens is foundguilty of manslaughter.14-Soldier reception badges go on saleat Butte.-Montana soldiers tendered a reception at Oakland.15-Everybody prepares to welcome soldiers home.-Butte defeats Anaconda on the gridiron.-William T.Jones killed.16--E! ene V. Debh addresses organized labor at Butte.-W. C: T. tT.convention at Bozeman.--Bozeman,Chronicle changes hands.-WomanSuffrage association meets atHelena.17-Death of Robelt Marcum at Missoula.-Severe snowstorms in Tetoncounty.-Odd Fellows in sessldh atHelena.--Gorge L. Ramsey ordereddischarged from custody.-Montanatroops mustered out at San Francisco.-Deposition of Senator WVorden in the Beasley effigy case takenat Missoula.18-Many sheepherders perish in severestorms in Northern Montana.-LuluAllen dies at Butte from morphinepoisoning.-Butte council overridesthe mayor's veto and passes theelectric light franchise.-Montanaregiment leaves Gan Francisco forhome.-Depositions in the Whiteside-Miner libel suit taken in Flathad county.19-Death of Thn"'as Davies at Butte.-Soldlemr arrive at Dunmuir.20-Death of Miss Carrie Beldra ofBearmouth.-Death of Mrs. CarolineReeves at Black Butte.-T-wentypersons perish in blizzards in.Tetopcounty.-Pennsylv'nia mining casefinished.-Soldiers are feted at Portland.31-Thomr.s Reese burned to death atTwin Bridges.-Deer Lodge CountyPioneers' association organized.Mose Hildebrant shot and killed byFrank Custer at Musselshell.Death of Mrs A. F. Bray at Oakland.
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